UCONN Home Sub Prime Personal Loan

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Non-payment of debt will cause increases in finance charges, may cause collection activity and also cause litigation. Experts say it is more to do with ego than actual need. We are proud to have successfully served over 75% of all our applications successfully with our numbers continuing to improve daily. Such sub prime personal loans are offered typically at interest rates ranging from 7% to 19% while writing.

Loans Apply Now About Us Articles Education Contact Us SiteMap. Some banks may not be offering sub prime personal loans, but they can refer to some individuals or affiliates or a finance company who offer such loans. With the current housing market in distress, many consumers are trying to catch up with their adjustable rate mortgages or facing foreclosure.

We can offer our services to clients who have previously suffered from Foreclosures, Bankruptcies, Terminations, Defaults and even those with Criminal Records. The goal is to eventually get yourself out of debt and improve your credit.

University of NYC
70 Washington Sq.
New York, NY 10012